Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire: Live at the Greek Theatre (Blu-ray)

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The teaming of legendary groups Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire was the tour hit of the summer. Playing to sold-out venues, this spectacular show brought the GRAMMY-winning artists together in a show that both individually and together highlighted their revolutionary melding of rock, soul and jazz as well as their numerous #1 and Top 10 hits. Now you can have a front-row seat for this amazing concert, performed at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles. Every moment, all the energy and excitement of this final show of the tour, was captured in high-definition for this extraordinary DVD.

Chicago / Earth, Wind & Fire 1. Beginnings – 2. In The Stone – 3. Dialogue (Parts I & II)

Earth, Wind & Fire 4. Magic Mind – 5. Boogie Wonderland – 6. System of Survival – 7. Jupiter – 8. Getaway – 9. Serpentine Fire – 10. Kalimba Story – 11. Got to Get You into My Life – 12. The Way You Move – 13. After The Love Has Gone – 14. That´s The Way of the World – 15. Reasons – 16. Fantasy – 17. Let´s Groove – 18. Mighty Mighty

Chicago 19. Make Me Smile Medley – 20. Color My World - If You Leave Me Now - Call on Me - Alive Again - Hard Habit to Break - Mongonucleosis - Old Days - Just You n´ Me - Saturday in the Park - Feelin´ Stronger - I´m a Man - Hard to Say I´m Sorry Chicago/Earth, Wind & Fire Finale: September - Free - Sing a Song - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? - Shining Star - 25 or 6 to 4

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Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire: Live at the Greek Theatre (Blu-ray)

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Robson Candêo
Por Robson Candêo
| Data: 19/02/2011
Bandas de grande sucesso que tiverem seu auge nas décadas de 70 e 80, o Chicago e o Earth, Wind & Fire se uniram em uma turnê no ano de 2004 onde apresentaram seus grande hits em um grande espetácu...

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Robson Candêo
Por Robson Candêo
| Data: 19/02/2011
A imagem é excelente, sem compressão e cores bem nítidas. O som é perfeito, muito bem distribuído por todas as caixas com a opção DTS HD, a única que se espera em um show em blu-ray. Infelizme...

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Gênero: Musical
Duração: 172 minutos
País de Produção:EUA
Ano de Produção:2004

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